Team at Media Night

Media Night Recap

The Media Night at the Hochschule der Medien, where students present their projects from the semester, took place at the end of the lecture period on June 29. Like last year, this was a super opportunity for us to show…

Operation “Reconstruction” was successful!

The many hours spent in the workshop have paid off. The conversion and implementation of the solar-powered drive has been successful, the Ape drives! This step marks a milestone in this project and answers the key question in the initiation of this project, “Is there a way to enable sustainable and…

Smartphone Instagram

GASOLEN goes Instagram!

One of the goals of this year’s GASOLEN team is the use of new channels for communication. In addition to traditional media such as press, radio, etc., new media such as social media are also to be used. Communication on different platforms and channels enables contact with several target groups. Nowadays,…